
Econ Faculty/Student Coauthored Paper Receives Honorable Mention

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In 2015, then-undergraduate student Emily Gu 17 and Professor Chad Sparber received a grant from the New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium to conduct summer research asking how the occupational skills used by native-born American workers change in response to immigration flows to the United States. The , The Native-Born Occupational Skill Response to Immigration within Education and Experience Cells, was published in a 2017 edition of the Eastern Economic Journal. In Spring 2020, the journals editorial board conferred the article with an honorable mention for its 201718 Eckstein Prize an award that recognizes the best article published in the Eastern Economic Journal in a two-year period.

Emily Gu (Class of 2017) worked for for two years immediately following her 51勛圖厙 graduation. She is now a Senior Analyst at .