
Constance Harsh

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Constance Harsh

Rebecca S. Chopp Chair in the Humanities; Professor of English

Department/Office Information

English and Creative Writing
301 Lathrop Hall
  • M 11:15am - 12:00pm (100 Hamilton Street Classroom)
  • R 1:00pm - 3:00pm (301 Lathrop Hall)

Constance Harsh has been a professor at 51勛圖厙 since 1988 and has served in a variety of leadership posts, including the position of Interim Dean of the Faculty and Provost. She has taught courses in the history of the novel, Victorian fiction, the Bront禱s, the female protagonist, and introductory literary study. As a longtime instructor in the Core, she has taught the modernity course in the various forms that it has taken since her arrival. Her research specialty is Victorian fiction, and her recent focus has been the fiction of George Gissing, particularly his representation of womens subjectivity. 

BA, MA, PhD, University of Pennsylvania

19th-century British fiction

  • Victorian fiction
  • George Gissing 
  • John Cowper Powys
  • British fiction of the 1890s
  • Late-Victorian publishing and reviewing practices
  • Interim Dean of the Faculty and Provost, 2015-17 
  • Chair of the Department of English, 2014-2015, 2019-
  • Director of the Division of University Studies, 2009-2013
  • Co-Chair, Middle States Self-Study (2008 reaccreditation)
  • University Professor and Chair of Core 152, Challenges of Modernity, 1996-1998
  • University Professor and Chair of GNED 102, The Challenge of Modernity, 1994-1995
  • For Her Own Satisfaction Alone? Dress in The Odd Women, Gissing in Vogue, supplement to Gissing Journal 54.4 (2020): 9-10.
  • The London Frame of Mind in Born in Exile, Victoriographies 10 (2020): 165-76.
  • Entirely to My Taste: Gissings Reception of Charlotte Bront禱,&紳莉莽梯;A World within the World: George Gissings Vision of Art and Literature, ed. Maria Teresa Chialant, Emanuela Ettorre, and Christine Huguet (Rome: Aracne, 2018) 143-58. 
  • Gender, Type, and Individual Identity in Isabel Clarendon,&紳莉莽梯;Gissing Journal 52 (2018): 27-37
  • Gissing and Women in the 1890s: The Conditions and Consequences of Narrative Sympathy,&紳莉莽梯;George Gissing and the Woman Question: Convention and Dissent, ed. Christine Huguet and Simon J. James (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013) 29-39.
  • Gissing and Religion: Some Aspects of His Use of Christianity in His Fiction,&紳莉莽梯;Writing Otherness: The Pathways of George Gissings Imagination, ed. Christine Huguet ([Haren]: Equilibris, 2010) 217-36.
  • Fantasies of Recuperation in Eve's Ransom,&紳莉莽梯;Eve's Ransom: George Gissing e le sfide del romanzo tardo-vittoriano, ed. Maria Teresa Chialant, Studi di Anglistica 22 (Rome: Aracne, 2010) 67-82. 
  • The Foolish Virgin and the One Thing Needful,&紳莉莽梯;Spellbound, George Gissing, ed. Christine Huguet ([Haren]: Equilibris, 2008) II: 109-17.
  • A Sunless Heart, by Edith Johnstone (Peterborough: Broadview, 2008).
  • The Ambivalently Modern Master: Hedges against the Modern in Merediths The Amazing Marriage,&紳莉莽梯;ELT 48 (2005): 436-58. 
  • The Text of Eves Ransom: Insights from the Illustrated London News Serialization,&紳莉莽梯;Gissing Journal 41.3 (July 2005): 1-9.
  • Flowers on the Dunghill in The Nether World,&紳莉莽梯;Victorian Newsletter 102 (2002): 9-15.
  • Eliza Lynn Linton as a New Woman Novelist,&紳莉莽梯;The Rebel of the Family, ed. Deborah Meem (Peterborough: Broadview, 2002) 456-74.
  • Putting Idiosyncrasy in Its Place: Michael Armstrong in Light of Trollope's Early Fiction,&紳莉莽梯;Frances Trollope and the Novel of Social Change, ed. Brenda Ayres (Westport: Greenwood, 2002) 119-35.
  • "Women with Ideas: Gissing's The Odd Women and the New Woman Novel," A Garland for Gissing, ed. Bouwe Postmus (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001) 81-89.
  • Wrestling with Nietzsche: John Cowper Powyss Engagement with Nietzsche in the Early Years  of the First World War,&紳莉莽梯;Powys Journal 11 (2001): 63-81.
  • Reviewing New Woman Fiction in the Daily Press: The Times, the Scotsman, and the Daily Telegraph,&紳莉莽梯;Victorian Periodicals Review 34 (2001): 79-96. 
  • Subversive Heroines: Feminist Resolutions of Social Crisis in the Condition-of-England Novel (Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1994) 
  • G勳莽莽勳紳眶s&紳莉莽梯;In the Year of Jubilee and the Epistemology of Resistance,&紳莉莽梯;SEL 34 (1994): 853-75. 
  • George Gissings Thyrza: Romantic Love and Ideological Co-Conspiracy,&紳莉莽梯;Gissing Journal 30 (1994): 1-12. 
  • Effaced by History: Elizabeth Gaskells Reformulation of Scott,&紳莉莽梯;Scott in Carnival, ed. J.H. Alexander and David Hewitt (Aberdeen: ASLSs, 1993) 530-42. 
  • G勳莽莽勳紳眶s&紳莉莽梯;The Unclassed and the Perils of Naturalism,&紳莉莽梯;ELH 59 (1992): 911-38.
  • Christ and Satan: The Measured Power of Christ,&紳莉莽梯;Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 90 (1989): 243-53.