2016 Mobilizing a Spiritual Geography: The Art and Child Artists of the Carrolup Native School and Settlement, Western Australia. Transfers (with Ezzard Flowers) (Volume 6, Issue 1).
2012 Australasia, Immigrant Legislation and Laws.The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Wiley-Blackwell.
2012 Population Policies, Issues, and Geography," Chapter 33 in Population Policies; 21st Century Geography: A Reference Handbook. Joseph P. Stoltman, Ed. Sage Publications.
2012 Population and Migration. Chapter 9 in Introducing Global Issues 5th Edition. Michael T. Snarr and D. Neil Snarr, Eds. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. (with Caroline Anderson and Fiona Mulligan, new chapter).
2012. A comparison of two home range modeling methods using Ugandan mountain gorilla data. International Journal of Geographic Information Science. 26(11): 2111-2121 (with Scull, P, Palmer, M., Frey, F.)
2009 Vulnerability of Women and Girls to HIV/AIDS in Rural South Sudan Chapter 3 in Kalipeni, E.; Flynn, K. and Pope, C. Eds. Women and HIV/AIDS in Africa. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. (with Erin Bergmann and Isaac Padiet)
2008 An Anchor of Hope: Perspectives on the Social Adjustment of Refugees and Prospects for Urban Development in Utica, New York in Immigrants Outside Megalopolis: Ethnic Transformation in the Heartland. Richard C. Jones, Ed. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
2006 De-centring metropolitan youth identities: boundaries, difference and sense of place. Pp. 217-232 in Small Cities: Urban Experience Beyond the Metropolis. (Waitt, Gordon, Tim Hewitt and Ellen Kraly) David Bell and Mark Jayne, Eds. New York: Routledge.
2005 The Protection of Aborigines in Colonial and Early Federation Australia: The Role of Population Data Systems (with John McQuilton, University of Wollongong) Population, Space and Place 11: 225-250.
2004 IRCA: Lessons of the Last Legalization Program. Migration Information Source (July 1). Migration Policy Institute. (http://www.migrationinformation.org/Feature/display.cfm?id=233) (with Mary Powers, Ellen Percy Kraly and William Seltzer)
2003 Refugee Resettlement in Utica, New York: Opportunities and Issues for Community Development Pp. 125-146 in Multicultural Geographies John Frazier, Ed. Binghamton: Binghamton University Press (with Kristin VanValkenburg).
2002 The Contour of Unknown Lives: Mapping Womens Experience in the Adirondacks. Biography, Special Issue on Biography and Geography. 25: 1-24 (with Sarah Wider).
2001 Immigration to New York: Policy, Population, and Patterns. Chapter 2 in New Yorks New Immigrants. Nancy Foner, Ed. New York: Columbia University Press. (with Ines Miyares)
2001 Immigration to New York: Policy, Population and Patterns. Pp. 90-102 in From the Hudson to the Hamptons: Snapshots of the New York Metropolitan Area. Ines Miyares, Marianna Pavlovskaya and Gregory Pope, Eds. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Geographers.
2000 Foreign-Born Population of the U.S. Encyclopedia of the U.S. Census. Washington, D.C. Congressional Quarterly (with Peter Lobo).