23. SC Johnson, EA Muller, O Khatib, EA Bonnin, AC Gagnon, MB Raschke "Infrared nanospectroscopic imaging in the rotating frame" Optica 6, 424-429 (2019).
22. E. A. Muller, B. Pollard, H. A. Bechtel, R. Adato, D. Etezdi, H. Altug, M. B. Raschke Nanoimaging and Control of Molecular Vibrations through Electromag- netically Induced Scattering Reaching the Strong Coupling Regime ACS Photonics, 5, 35943600 (2018).
21. B. T. OCallahan, J. Yan, F. Menges, E. A. Muller, and M. B. Raschke Photoinduced Tip-Sample Forces for Chemical Nanoimaging and Spectroscopy Nano Letters, 18, 5499-5505 (2018).
20. P. Wang E.J.D. Anderson E.A. Muller F. Gao Y. Zhong M. B. Raschke Hyper- spectral Raman imaging correlating chemical substitution and crystallinity in bio- genic hydroxyapatite: Dentin and enamel in normal and hypoplastic human teeth J. Raman Spectrosc. 49, 1559-1567 (2018).
19. E. A. Muller, B. Pollard, H. A. Bechtel, P. van Blerkom, M. B. Raschke, In- frared vibrational nano-crystallography and nano-imaging Sci. Adv. 2, e1601006 (2016).
18. K. D. Park*, E. A. Muller*, V. Kravstov, P. M. Sass, J. Dreyer, J. M. Atkin, M. B. Raschke Variable-Temperature Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Single- Molecule Fluctuations and Dynamics Nano Lett. 16, 479-487 (2016).
17. B. T. OCallahan, W. E. Lewis, S. Moebius, J. C. Stanley, E. A. Muller, and M. B. Raschke Broadband infrared vibrational nano-spectroscopy using thermal blackbody radiation Opt. Express 23, 32063-32074 (2015).
16. E. A. Muller , B. Pollard , and M. B. Raschke Infrared Chemical Nano-Imaging: Accessing Structure, Coupling, and Dynamics on Molecular Length Scales J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 1275-1284 (2015).
15. H. A. Bechtel, E. A. Muller, R. L. Olmon, M. C. Martin, and M. B. Raschke Ultrabroadband Infrared Nanospectroscopic Imaging Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 7191-7196 (2014).
14. B. Pollard*, E. A. Muller*, K. Hinrichs, and M. B. Raschke Vibrational nano- spectroscopic imaging correlating structure with intermolecular coupling and dy- namics Nature Commun. 5, 3587 1-7 (2014).
13. B. W. Caplins, A.J. Shearer, D. E. Suich, E. A. Muller and C. B. Harris. Mea- suring the Electronic Corrugation at the Metal/Organic Interface, Phys. Rev. B 89 , 155422 1-10 (2014).
12. S. Berweger, D.M. Nguyen, E. A. Muller, H. A. Bechtel, T. T. Perkins, and M. B. Raschke Nano-Chemical Infrared Imaging of Membrane Proteins in Lipid Bilayers J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 18292-18295 (2013).
11. J. DArchangel, E. Tucker, E. Kinzel, E. A. Muller, H. A. Bechtel, M. C. Mar- tin, M. B. Raschke, and G. Boreman Near- and far-field spectroscopic imaging investigation of resonant square-loop infrared metasurfaces Optics Express 21, 17150-17160 (2013).
10. E. A. Muller, M. L. Strader, J. E. Johns, A. Yang, B. W. Caplins, A. J. Shearer, D.E. Suich, and C. B. Harris Femtosecond Electron Solvation at the Ionic Liq- uid/Metal Electrode Interface, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135 (29), 10646-10653 (2013).
9. E. A. Muller, B. W. Caplins, J. E. Johns, C. B. Harris. Quantum Confinement and Anisotropy in Thin Film Molecular Semiconductors Phys. Rev. B 83, 165422 1-5 (2011).
8. J. E. Johns, E. A. Muller, J. M. J. Fr echet, C. B. Harris. Origin of Charge Localization Observed in Organic Photovoltaic Materials J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 15720-15725 (2010).
7. J. E. Johns, E. A. Muller, S. Garret-Roe, C. B. Harris. Relaxation Dynamics in Image Potential States at Solid Interfaces Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces: Volume 1: Current Developments (Book Chapter), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 75-97 (2010).
6. C. K. Riley, E. A. Muller, B. E. Feldman, C. M. Cross, K. L. Van Aken, D. E. Johnston, Ye Lu, A. T. Johnson, J. C. de Paula, and W. F. Smith Effects of O2, Xe, and Gating on the Photoconductivity and Persistent Photoconductivity of Porphyrin Nanorods J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (45), 19227-19233 (2010).
5. M. L. Strader, S. Garrett-Roe, P. Szymanski, S. T. Shipman, J. E. Johns, A. Yang, E. Muller, C. B. Harris. The ultrafast dynamics of image potential state electrons at the dimethylsulfoxide/Ag(111) interface J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 6880-6886 (2008).
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Selected Presentations
4. A. Yang, S. T. Shipman, S. Garrett-Roe, J. Johns, M. Strader, P. Szymanski, E. Muller, C. Harris. Two-photon photoemission of ultrathin film PTCDA mor- phologies on Ag(111) J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 2506-2513 (2008).
3. E. A. Muller, R. J. Cannon, A. N. Sarjeant, K. M. Ok, P. S. Halasyamani, and A. J. Norquist. Directed Synthesis of Noncentrosymmetric Molybdates Crystal Growth & Design, 5, 19131917 (2005).
2. E. A. Muller, A. N. Sarjeant, and A. J. Norquist. (C6H16N2)2[Mo8O26]: a new 帣-octamolybdate salt Acta Cryst. 61, 730732 (2005).
1. J. R. Gutnick, E. A. Muller, A. N. Sarjeant, and A. J. Norquist. [C5H14N2] [(MoO3)3(SO4)]繚H2O: Sulfated -Molybdena Chains Inorg. Chem., 43, 65286530 (2004).