
Jacqueline Villarrubia

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Jacqueline Villarrubia

Associate Professor of Sociology

Department/Office Information

Sociology and Anthropology
413 Alumni Hall
  • T 3:00pm - 4:30pm (413 Alumni Hall)
  • W 9:00am - 10:30am (413 Alumni Hall)

PhD in Sociology, University at Albany, State University of New York

MA in Latin American Studies, University at Albany, State University of New York

BA in Social Sciences, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto Universitario de Mayag羹ez

Social construction of disasters, immigration, race and ethnicity, Latin America and the Caribbean

Peer-reviewed Publications

Villarrubia-Mendoza, Jacqueline and Roberto V矇lez-V矇lez. "Reconfigurando la asistencia en tiempos de desastre: los Centros de Apoyo Mutuo como alternativas a los procesos de recuperaci籀n pos-Mar穩a." Centro Journal. Forthcoming.

Villarrubia-Mendoza, Jacqueline and Roberto V矇lez-V矇lez. 2020. "From #RickyRenuncia Protests to People's Assemblies in Puerto Rico; in Deciding for Ourselves: The Promise of Direct Democracy. Edited by Cindy Milstein. Chico, CA: AK Press. Pp. 72-83

Roberto V矇lez-V矇lez and Jacqueline Villarrubia-Mendoza . 2018. Cambio desde abajo y desde adentro: Notes on Centros de Apoyo Mutuo in post-Mar穩a Puerto Rico. Latino Studies Journal. Vol.16 (4): 542547.

V矇lez-V矇lez, Roberto and Jacqueline Villarrubia-Mendoza. 2018. Interpreting Mobilization Dynamics through Art: A Look at the DREAMers Movement. Current Sociology. Vol. 67 (1): 100-121.

Villarrubia-Mendoza, Jacqueline. 2017. The Emergence of Hispanic Immigrant Occupational Niches: Employer Preferences and the Search for the Subservient Worker. Latino Studies Journal, Vol. 15 (3): 341-364.

Villarrubia-Mendoza, Jacqueline and Roberto V矇lez-V矇lez. 2017. Iconoclastic Dreams: Interpreting Art in the DREAMers Movement. Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 58(3): 350-372.

Villarrubia-Mendoza, Jacqueline. 2016. Tu velas por los tuyos: Weak Labor Markets and the Importance of Social Networks. Journal of International Migration and Integration, Vol. 17(2): 631-648.

2019-2022: National Science Foundation Collaborative grant with Roberto V矇lez-V矇lez 

2018-2019: Picker Fellowship

2018: Discretionary Grant, 51勛圖厙 

2017: Discretionary Grant, 51勛圖厙 

2016-2017: Upstate Institute Research Grant, 51勛圖厙

2019: Named Sociologist of the month by Current Sociology, the flagship journal of the International Sociological Association

2017: Torch Medal for Excellence in Teaching and Mentorship, 51勛圖厙.

2016: Torch Medal for Excellence in Teaching and Mentorship, 51勛圖厙 University.

2013: Torch Medal for Excellence in Teaching and Mentorship, 51勛圖厙.

2010: Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award; University at Albany