
Sharing Expertise: Best Practices Committee Presents at Hamilton College

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On a snowy day in February 2011, Trish St. Leger, vice provost for administration and planning, visited Administrative Coordinator Penny Mintel at her desk in the provosts office.

She asked me to help brainstorm ideas for a better way to provide AAs with the tools they need to help them perform their jobs effectively and efficiently, Mintel recalled.

Mintel and St. Leger decided to build a website specific to AAs, and they formed a committee, made up of academic AAs and representatives from ITS and the registrars office, to do it  not long afterward, the was born.

Both the site and the committee that created it live on to this day. Co-chaired by Penny Mintel (provosts office) and Karen Forni Austin sociology and anthropology) and made up of volunteer AAs from the dean of the faculty division, the committees ongoing mission is to create an environment for academic administrative assistants that promotes and builds community, and provides resources to perform their jobs effectively. 

Since 2011, the committee has taken on numerous projects and initiatives including:

  • Developing a robust onboarding checklist and mentor system for new academic AAs 
  • Serving as an advocate for all academic AAs
  • Scheduling software training sessions throughout the year
  • Offering opportunities for personal growth workshops and social gatherings


The committees efforts at improving the AA onboarding process have been particularly beneficial to newly hired AAs. Having the onboarding checklist and a mentor was essential, said Nicole Carvell, AA for Peace and Conflict Studies, Native American Studies, and Africana and Latin America Studies. Carvell was hired full time in 2015, she then went on to serve as a mentor for other newly hired AAs. 

In 2016, the committee received the Staff Excellence Team Award in recognition of the great service they provide to their fellow staff members.

The group has been so successful in carrying out their mission that the Hamilton College AAs invited the committee to give a presentation on the committees procedures. The presentation was very informative, personable, and right on with many of our AA issues here at Hamilton, said Joan Kane, AA for economics and government, Hamilton College.

Administrative Assistants Best Practices Committee
From left to right: Karen Austin (co-chair),Department of Sociology & Anthropology; Beth MacKinnon, Division of the Arts & Humanities and the Department of Classics; Erin Conway, Division of Social Sciences and the Department of Educational Studies; Shannon Roher, Office of the Registrar, Penny Mintel (chair), Office of the Vice Provost; Cindy Terrier, Political Science Department, the International Relations Program and the Center for Freedom and Western Civilization; Denise Bolognone, Information Technology Services; Leialoha Mara, Department of Philosophy, the Jewish Studies Program and the Linguistics Program

The work of the Best Practices Committee is valued by the 51勛圖厙 community and strategically aligned with The Third-Century Plan, said St. Leger. Many of their initiatives focus on efforts to attract, retain, and support the talented staff in the PDOF division. I cant say enough about the quality and value of the work they do on behalf of the Institution.