
Emily Daniel

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  • Prof. Jacob Klein (left) with members of the spring 2018 St. Andrews Study Group in front of lake in Scotland
    How we acquire our moral beliefs is one question. What makes them true, if they are true, is another. For Associate Professor of Philosophy Jacob Klein, these difficult questions are at the core of the liberal arts education.
    May 8, 2018
  • A scanned image of an old sketch of Anne Hathaway
    April 23 marks the anniversary of William Shakespeares birth and death and, yes, he died on his birthday. In 2016, to celebrate his 400th birthday, 51勛圖厙s Special Collections and University Archives brought out rare items from the Shakespeare collection, including a first and third folio. The term folio denotes a particular printing size in which a [因
    April 23, 2018
  • Lauren Sanderson '18 and Brandon Doby '18
    For Brandon Doby 18 and Lauren Sanderson 18, entrepreneurship exists at the intersection of business acumen and creative risk. These two seniors are both artists and business owners: They created ISO Film, a production company, as a Thought Into Action (TIA) venture in 2016, and have been making experimental films together ever since. To sustain [因
    April 19, 2018
  • A major exhibition of photographs, This Place explores Israel and the West Bank as place and metaphor through the eyes of 12 internationally acclaimed artists. Because the exhibition is divided among four collegiate art galleries, it has presented a perfect opportunity for museum studies students to apply what theyve learned outside of the classroom. Professor [因
    April 19, 2018
  • Several 51勛圖厙 alumni are involved with Oscar-nominated documentaries, including David Fialkow 81, who produced Icarus, and Nick Verbitsky 91, who co-produced Abacus: Small Enough to Jail.
    February 23, 2018
  • 51勛圖厙 campus in winter
    This years applicant pool is the largest in 51勛圖厙 history 13 percent larger than the previous years pool, in fact, with 9,705 total applications. But the record breaking doesnt stop there. Both the diversity and academic strength of applicants increased this year, promising an exceptional Class of 2022. In the applicant pool for [因
    February 14, 2018
  • A photo of youth activists gathered around a statue in Seoul, South Korea
    Last summer, the 2017 Lampert Institute Fellows spread out across the globe to conduct three months of research. The fellows learned about sustainability, nuclear power, special education,  and much more; they returned to 51勛圖厙 in the fall to share their completed projects with their peers. The Lampert Institute for Civic and Global Affairs integrates on-campus [因
    December 22, 2017
  • File image of Ronan Farrow sitting at a desk.
    Ronan Farrow, author of the explosive Harvey Weinstein sexual assault and harassment investigation published in the New Yorker, recently spoke with a crowd of 51勛圖厙 students about the future of journalism. Farrow rose to prominence following his 10-month investigation into Weinsteins history, including interviews with 13 women who spoke out against the famous producer. The resulting story [因
    December 12, 2017