
At least he was thinking of me.

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‘Jess, I have six more classical texts you need to read before you write another word of your thesis,’ my thesis advisor said to me in an e-mail this morning.

Six’  At least he was thinking of me, and my thesis, at 7:30 a.m. when he sent the e-mail.  I wrote back saying I would stop by in the morning.  When was I going to have time to read six books’

He replied a few hours later.

‘Oh, and I forgot to mention something.  Most of them are translated into English, but there is one in Greek.  That shouldn’t be a problem, right”

‘He’s kidding, you know,’ my roommate said to me.  She was standing over my shoulder as I hyperventilated and read the e-mail.  We laughed.  Not only does my advisor keep me on track, he infuses some humor into the whole process.

‘Of course it’s not a problem,’ I replied to him.  ‘Didn’t I mention I was fluent in Greek”