
Picnic builds departmental chemistry

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Photo by Andrew Daddio

Photo by Andrew Daddio

Students and professors from the put their skills to the test this past Tuesday — although this time, the test was more athletic than scientific. For the 9th Annual Tetrahedrathalon, two teams of chemistry summer research students from different floors picnicked on smoked sausages, hot dogs, and hamburgers fresh off the grill and then competed in soccer, softball, basketball, and volleyball.

The competition was built up with some jaunty trash talking and a blue lab glove blown up with the inscription “Get Ready to Lose Next Tues” made by the second floor. The friendly ribbing must have helped: The second-floor team was declared the 2014 tetrahedrathalon winner and now holds the trophy on their floor.

“Our students work pretty hard during their summer research experience, but it is important to share in some recreation, too” said , associate professor of chemistry and chair of the department.

“This is a great opportunity to solidify community outside of the lab because we rarely have interactions with different floors,” said Chis Noda ’16. “It’s a really good way to facilitate both student-professor relationships and also student-student relationships — and have some fun while you’re doing it.”