
Sofia Rietti ’18 interns at Late Night with Seth Meyers

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This summer I was a script intern at Late Night with Seth Meyers, a nightly talk-show within NBC Universal. As a script intern my responsibilities included distributing all necessary materials to all of the appropriate departments within the show. Furthermore, the script department functions as the liaison between the creative writers and the technical positions at a cable television show. We were responsible for formatting the writers ideas, noting changes, and relaying the information to the control room and the post-production department. Every morning I was also responsible for transcribing the previous night’s script in order to have an accurate representation of all shows on file.

This internship opportunity has solidified the type of career that I intend on pursuing. Furthermore, it introduced me to the script department, which I did not previously know of, and it is a department that aligns well with my interests and skill sets. I also learned the type of work environment I desire to be a part of. All of my fellow interns and superiors were intelligent yet comical, which made the work days very enjoyable.