Community members recently heard from a panel of experts discussing Lyme and other tick associated diseases, one of the impacts of the overabundant local deer population in the Hamilton area. On April 5 at the Hamilton Public Library, panelists cautioned that deer ticks are emerging now in the spring, and they can carry not only Lyme disease, but also nine other diseases.May 10, 2023
With over 14 separate programs including citizenship, employment, traffic safety, and English language class, a newly arrived refugee can access resources that cover every aspect of life from green card application to professional skills development and infant car seat installation. The Center’s work with refugees from around the world has changed Utica into a diverse and vibrant community, with over 17,000 refugees resettled since 1981 and over 15 languages spoken at the Center.October 3, 2022
I worked for the ACLC’s Nest Raft Program to help mitigate these nesting threats. I regularly kayaked on six lakes, observing eight loon pairs for their nesting successes and failures. Out of those eight pairs, only half ever built nests, and half of those nests failed due to flooding.September 21, 2022
My project this summer with the History Center was called Rejuvenating Local History and had me take a hallmark event about the Center’s core exhibition, the Historical Hall of Fame, and make it accessible to virtual visitors and connect with on-site visitors in a new, engaging manner.September 13, 2022
My responsibilities as a grant writing Fellow for MUCC included assisting with the Consolidated Funding Application, drafting support letters for grant applications, facilitating on-site community events as needed, and creating a spreadsheet that keeps track of past grant proposals.September 9, 2022